University of Missouri School of Medicine Recruitment Video

Video marketing that makes the grade.

The University of Missouri School of Medicine has been renowned as a great education and research institution. They tasked us with continuing this legacy. The challenge? Creating marketing videos from already shot footage from the campus.

Building Around Challenges

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has upended a lot of plans. The University of Missouri took a recommendation from our WeekXWeek series, gathered footage, and sent it to us to edit. This allowed for a safe project during the early pandemic days. Using Zoom, email, and a secure DropBox, we talked through the School of Medicine’s vision and examined its brand guidelines. Then we went to work.

Crafting a Campaign

After immersing ourselves in the brand, we pored over the footage. Using our mix of editing knowledge and storytelling capabilities, we crafted a range of videos ready to market the school. Each one featured personal stories from students and faculty while all feeling like a cohesive set.

The Results

The University was thrilled with the results and plans to use them in internal and external marketing ventures.


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