Head of the Lakes United Way

Putting the fight in fundraising.

The United Way Capital Campaign is a big deal. It brings in big money for important causes. It leaves an important impact on the communities United Way serves and continues their good work. The nonprofit needed to increase donations. The campaign had to be unique to our region but also fit with the national campaign. We raised our hands to help. It must have worked because they used our work two years in a row.

Nationally, the organization was using the “What do you fight for?” campaign language. We took this and made it fit our area. We sat down with volunteers, leaders, and those benefiting from United Way’s efforts. Each person had a story to tell. The videos captured the importance of United Way programs and the real-life people they help.

Along with the videos, we created print pieces. These tied in nicely with the campaign and put the Capital Campaign in front of a different audience.

The work did its job and served its purpose through two Capital Campaigns.


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