Fairview Range

Positive Numbers. Positive Sentiment.

Showcasing the faces of Fairview Range. Building community camaraderie.

Website visits




landing page visits
first 3 weeks


by management
for more stories

The pandemic has done a number on the connection between healthcare systems and their communities. Fairview Range wanted to regain trust and highlight the amazing staff members who stuck with it through COVID. Our team found the perfect balance by creating the #WhyImHere campaign.


People choose Fairview Range for a reason. We turned our cameras to Fairview team members and had them explain why they were at Fairview. This was juxtaposed with a peek into their lives outside of work. We shot scenes everywhere, from a pontoon on Lake Vermillion to an art guild in Hibbing, Minnesota.

This mix of work and play showed potential patients and employees the benefits of the healthcare system. From getting to work with great staff to getting to live a life you love, each story highlighted the perks of working on the Iron Range.

Mixing It Up
Most healthcare campaigns focus on the doctors and nurses. We definitely featured a doctor but we also showcased the lead custodian at the hospital. This demonstrated Fairview’s views that every employee is important and valued, not just the ones with fancy degrees.

TV and Social

We sat down with employees and interviewed them about why they chose Fairview and the Iron Range. Then, we followed them to where they were happiest. For one doctor, it was spending time with his family and for the lead custodian, it was sitting behind his easel bringing images to life.  

The resulting footage turned into TV commercials and digital ads. Each video felt warm and helped people get to know staff members better. We placed the videos across Facebook and YouTube. Our team followed those up with shorter outtake videos featuring behind-the-scenes conversations, more in-depth interviews, and some hilarious banter from a doctor’s kids.

Outdoor, Print, and Radio

The interview footage became the radio audio and soundbites decorated billboards and print ads. All the pieces cohesively worked together to share #WhyImHere.


The campaign was a smashing success. The YouTube and Facebook videos both garnered tons of views organically and paid. Tons of people shared and commented on them, all with positive sentiment. 

  • Website visits rose over 200% the month following the campaign launch. 
  • Almost 1K landing page visitors in the first 3 weeks
  • Upper management wanted more upon seeing success


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