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Make Your Marketing Budget Go Farther: Assess Your 2022 Media Plan

Are you trying to make the most of your upcoming marketing budget? A good place to start is your media budget. We’re not saying chop it up with a machete, we’re just saying re-examining it can save you money. In this day and age, there are so many options to get your brand out there. It’s time to see if you can spread your message farther and spend less — or at least more effectively.
1. Figure Out Your Flywheel
The flywheel isn’t just a useful tool for inbound marketing. It really applies to any challenges you’re facing in your business — and who hasn’t had to pivot their plans in 2021? Using the flywheel, you can re-examine your buyer journey. Where are you attracting people? Where are you losing people? The flywheel gives you a larger picture of the challenges you’re facing in your marketing and selling process. It’s especially useful as you analyze the changes produced by COVID.


Learn more about the flywheel in Everything About Inbound: the Flywheel.

2. Create or Update Your Buyer Persona(s)
A buyer persona is a semi-fictional version of your ideal consumer. It’s based on research and informed assumptions. You should make sure you’ve created or updated yours before setting out your media plan. Why? Because understanding your audience at this level will show you where they normally spend their time and what matters to them. These are key components when it comes to choosing where to reach out to them.

In many industries, COVID has taken our usual customer base and completely flipped it. We suggest using all the analytics info you have to see what new customer trends are emerging. There’s a good chance that more and more of your audience is ready to meet you online.

To learn more about building buyer personas, check out these blog posts:

Get the other 3 steps in our full Assess Your 2022 Media Plan Guide!


Here to Help
Remember, there are no wrong answers. Every decision leads to insights and growth. So don’t be afraid to try a new medium. Just remember to track everything and lay down goals.

You can maximize your media plan’s efficiency if you dedicate the time and energy. That being said, if you don’t have the time or the energy, we’re here to help.