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Speak From the Heart: 2024 Gen-Z Slang Inspired Mother’s Day Cards

Gen-Z Mother's Day Cards

Feeling uninspired this Mother’s Day? We know you’ve spent hours at the store reading the premade cards, struggling to find anything that spoke to how you truly feel. Move over, Hallmark; we’ve designed the perfect cards for Mother’s Day 2024. Inspired by Gen Z slang, we wrote and designed cards that kids will resonate with […]

The Power of Core Mindsets and Why We Pivoted Away from Brand Values

Usually, when you’re branding a business or organization, you establish values. These are handpicked words that summarize the brand. You’ll often see them pasted on a wall or mentioned in proposals. When picked and used correctly, they are powerful. Too often, they merely become words on a wall and contribute little to your brand or […]

Mining Your Mindset: Giving Meaning to Your Brand Values

Values are vital, but sometimes they may feel meaningless. That’s okay. For some brands, a group of words isn’t the answer. You may need to pivot your thinking a bit. Like so many things, one size does not fit all. Or, some branding tactics don’t fit all. Instead of leaning on values to guide your […]